A videographer prepares for a shoot
Imagine showreel

1m 05s

Imagine: Immediate’s award-winning creative content studio

Deep, unique insight, plus fantastic ideas, multiplied by engaged audiences, equals a great campaign. We work with brands to create content-rich campaigns for Immediate's passionate readers, viewers and listeners.

Our ethos

Any partnership should start with a deep understanding of its target audience, and nobody knows Immediate’s audiences better than Imagine.

We form strategies around robust first-party data and insight and work closely with our editorial teams to ensure the content we produce is not just relevant but offers true value.

Our expertise

Our talented teams of designers, videographers, developers and copywriters produce hundreds of campaigns each year.

From small social campaigns to year-long partnerships involving talent, video, events, audio, complex web builds and print supplements, we’ll tell your story, reaching your target audience in a contextually relevant and engaging way.

Our audience

We reach every type of person with two things in common: they love what they do – and what we do.

From food fanatics to driving devotees, proud parents to entertainment enthusiasts, we reach more than 21 million people in the UK every month through our market-leading brands across print, digital, social and events.

Our data

Need to get a bit more granular? Women, main shoppers, 25-44 years old, ABC1, who are healthy eaters and regularly shop at Tesco? We can reach them with laser-focused targeting.

Our market-leading and award-winning data proposition means we can target almost anyone you can think of across multiple verticals and demographics.

Branded Content Team of the Year, Drum Awards for Online Media

Best Use of Digital, Magnetic Media Spotlight Awards

We're proud of our award-winning studio team and the campaigns we create

Digital Display Advertising Specs

Technical info and support for our digital ad formats