Advertising specs header image

Sponsored channel

Advertise prominently within the Radio Times channel listings

About Sponsored channel

What is a Sponsored channel?

RADIO TIMES ONLY. Designed to mimic the regular channel listings rows, the channel sponsorship sits at the top of the listings grid, just about BBC1. Works across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Creative requirements
  • Please keep program copy short to avoid overlapping the image on mobile.
  • Please do not include text or logos on the mobile background image, as to not interfere with the main program copy.
  • This is served via Google Ad Manager (GAM) through a predefined template, therefore typeface, copy size, placement etc cannot be changed.

Sponsored channel example

Desktop/Tablet view

Note: Red keyline indicates where the main image creative is positioned within the sponsored channel unit on desktop.
Sponsored channel example

Mobile view

Note: Red keyline (180px from left) indicates where the main image creative is positioned within the sponsored channel unit to avoid interfering with the text.
Sponsored channel example

Component guide

  1. Channel logo: Dimensions: 68x45px | File type: png, jpg | Max file size: 10kb
  2. Channel logo background colour: Hex code: #000000 (example, black)
  3. Program background colour: Hex code: #000000 (example, black)
  4. Program copy (Desktop/Tablet): 1st line max words: 36 characters inc. spaces | 2nd line max words: 36 characters inc. spaces
  5. Program background image (Desktop/Tablet): Dimensions: 525x92px | File type: png, jpg | Max file size: 25kb
  6. Program copy (Mobile): 1st line max words: 18 characters inc. spaces | 2nd line max words: 18 characters inc. spaces
  7. Program background image (Mobile)*: Dimensions: 525x92px (position main part of the creative 180px from left) | File type: png, jpg | Max file size: 25kb

*Please ensure the left of the program background creative blends into a solid colour to match the program background hex colour.

What’s the process?

Please complete the briefing form and supply all necessary assets. If you wish us to design/build (recommended), no further action is required at this stage and you will subsequently be provided with mock-ups of your ads for approval. Please outline/provide any tracking requirements.

All advertisements are subject to approval prior to start of campaign. Immediate Media reserves the right to refuse any advertisements that do not comply with the specification laid out in this document.