About IM Stories
What are IM Stories?
A social-style story format perfect for storytelling and product showcasing within an editorial environment. This format works across desktop, tablet and mobile and can contain images, video or a mix of both.
Creative requirements
This ad is served via Google Ad Manager (GAM) through a predefined template, consequently typeface, copy size, and placement within the CTA button cannot be changed.
- Dimensions: 35x35px.
- File type: jpg.
- Max file size: 25kb.
Advertiser name
- Please provide (i.e. Apple TV).
- Max words: 20 characters (including spaces).
- Hex colour code (i.e. #00d3ff).
Image tiles
- Number of tiles: 3-6.
- Dimensions: 300x534px.
- Safezone: Leave 65px top and bottom of each tile clear of any text or logos.
- File type: jpg.
- Max file size: 60kb per tile.
Video tile (pptional)
- Number of tiles: 1 (plus 2-5 image tiles)
- Video ratio: 9:16 (recommended 1080 x 1920px).
- Max video length: 15 seconds.
- Max file size: 50mb.
- File type: mp4.
What’s the process?
Please complete the briefing form and supply all necessary assets. If these assets include your own fonts, please provide a third party licence giving us permission to use. If you wish us to design/build (recommended), no further action is required at this stage and you will subsequently be provided with mock-ups of your ads for approval. If you prefer to design your own ad(s) then please supply the completed files to the relevant spec(s) specified above/in the template psd. Please outline/provide any tracking requirements.
All advertisements are subject to approval prior to start of campaign. Immediate Media reserves the right to refuse any advertisements that do not comply with the specification laid out in this document.